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Why has Page 98 been cut out of this book?
What you are about to read might sound preposterous and bizarre to most people, to me too, but I am here to tell you that it all happened. I am still questioning the reality of it all.
In 2003 I moved from the US to Europe, While living in Sweden in 2006 I created and posted my first political art, and over the years 1 illustrated topics that the Zionist controllers deem off limits, and in 2010 I was targeted. Few people in America know that Holocaust denial has been made illegal in 14 EU countries, and people who openly speak out are fined and imprisoned. Exposing this forbidden subject had a price for me too, being gangstalked. My front door opened repeatedly, I changed the lock and it was opened again, I would find where they entered my home and vandalised things, I rode my bicycle to town, locked it up to a rack, and returned to find my bike sitting in a new spot, the lock removed and placed in the basket. It destroys your sense of safety very fast Then a fellow from Norway wrote saying he knew who was after me as the same was happening to him too. He said that it is the 'secret police', Mossad, the Zionists, he said it's all about the holocaust info I was exposing. That is all. Me added, if I stop, then they will go away, if I continue, they will make things much worse for me.
During that time I had a series of missing times incidents, some for many hours. I believe that I was implanted with na no -technology, as I had a tingling inch on the side of my nose at one spot that Fasted a few years, it felt active like a mild electrical sensation, I was kicked out of Sweden in 2012 and while going through the airport it suddenly began a massive red swelling infection that started from the very point that spot tingled, within hours it covered my face. By the time I got antibiotics it was very serious. Was it an implant triggered to deliver toxins? I dent know. Psychological operations or a 'psy-op' wrecks your life. Now they can also harass people with implants that activate extreme unpleasant emotions in the target person triggered by remote control and I had one such bizarre traumatizing incident at that time. On page 88 in this book I illustrated the topic,
I moved back to the US in 2012 and when I put together my first art book I decided to not add the holocaust info, haha. But, I guess I never learn, so in this second book, I included two pages of forensic investigation, one being a study I assembled called 'Gas Chamber Digest1, ten powerful points that seriously disproves the official Zionist narrative. All of the info is easy to search and verify. Please do.
The week the book went to the printer suddenly a series of thefts started in my yard, then a flat tire on my car from a long screw stuck into it, or, intentionally screwed into it. One incident by itself you could dismiss, but with so many together I realized they were back, and why. I was in a panic, but it was too late, the books were printed. Not good. I then had the printer cut that page out of every book. Page 98 was removed because it contained information they do not want you to have. This is censorship and mind control at it's most sinister Go to my website DDees.com you will see a link on the left menu called 'Page 98' where you can view it, or I can email it to you. My apologies, but maybe now you understand how the controllers shut people up, and protect their agendas. Search 'holocaust political prisoner 'Ernst Zundel' to learn more.
Nov. 5, 2016
Write me at davodees@hotmail.com
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