Food Shortages In Six Months – The Globalists Are Telling Us What Happens Next
by Brandon Smith, APRIL 29, 2022
A week ago there was a torrent of press releases from global institutions all mentioning the same exact same concern: Food shortages within the next 3 to 6 months. These statements line up very closely with my own estimates, as I have been warning regularly about impending dangers of inflation leading to food rationing and supply chain disruptions.
The IMF, the BIS, World Bank, The UN, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bank of America and even Biden himself are all predicting a major food crisis in the near term; and it is not a coincidence that the policies of these very institutions and the actions of puppet politicians that work with them are causing the crisis they are now predicting. That is to say, it’s easy to predict a disaster when you created the disaster.
The claim is that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the primary cause, but this is a distraction from the real issue. Yes, sanctions against Russia will eventually lead to less food supply, but the globalists and the media are purposely ignoring the bigger threat, which is currency devaluation and price inflation created by central banks pumping out tens of trillions of dollars in stimulus packages to prop up "too big to fail" corporate partners.
Read the full story Activist Post
Multiple Large Food Processing & Distribution Plants in US Have Recently Exploded or Burned Down
by Matt Agorist, April 21, 2022

As food uncertainly lingers on the horizon thanks to US sanctions and government decimation of the economy during the past two years, there is another factor contributing to the problem. Since the beginning of the year, there have been several very large food processing facilities that have exploded or burned to the ground across the U.S.
This week, a vegetable and nut processing facility in Dufur, Oregon became engulfed in flames for unknown reasons.
"Lights flickered; They heard a pop and went up there to check it out and there was a fire," according to a report made to Wasco County 911 records listed in the Wasco County Sheriff’s log.
The independent distributor of natural, organic an non-GMO foods which employees around 150 people, burned to the ground.
One week before that fire in Oregon, a massive fire brought down a meat processing plant in Conway, New Hampshire. After burning for 16 hours, multiple fire crews finally put out the fire at East Conway Beef and Pork but the facility is completely destroyed.
That same week, in Salinas, California, a massive fire at the Taylor Farms Processing Facility led to the evacuation of residents as it burned for over 17 hours. Taylor Farms is a major agriculture company that processes and delivers many of the salad kits seen in grocery stores. The cause of this fire is currently under investigation.
Read the full story The Free Thought Project
Hilarious: Coca Cola, Starbucks, McDonald’s closing all restaurants in Russia to protest Ukraine fighting, making Russians HEALTHIER
by S.D. Wells, March 13, 2022
The best way to heal the body and stay healthy is to stop eating and drinking "junk science" food stuff like you get from McDonald’s, Starbucks and Coca Cola. Cut out that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), canola oil, GMO sugar and glyphosate, and the body can start healing right away.
Well, American corporations may be evil, but they’re also quite dumb. In an effort to spread propaganda for the USA to hate everything Russian, some of the biggest consumer giants have halted all sales in Russia, closing hundreds of stores and losing up to 10 percent of their global revenue, all while shooting themselves in the foot.
Democrats in DC want to punish Russians by denying them the worse junk food on the planet that causes cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia
Read the full story GMO.NEWS
Smelling a corporate rat
by Jonathan Matthews, December 11, 2012
A new study suggesting a Monsanto GM maize and the company's Roundup herbicide may pose serious health risks has been widely attacked, not just by scientists and commentators but also by scientific bodies and regulators. Here, Jonathan Matthews of GMWatch looks at the role of industry-linked scientists and lobbyists in a campaign aimed at getting the paper retracted. You can also download this article as a PDF.
At the end of November Reuters ran the headline Science Journal Urged to Retract Monsanto GM Study and New Scientist also reported the growing pressure for retraction. These articles marked the latest stage in a campaign that kicked off the moment the study was published in mid-September, when researchers led by Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini at the University of Caen in France announced their findings of serious health problems in rats that had been fed a Monsanto maize genetically engineered to be resistant to the company's herbicide Roundup, as well as in rats just fed low doses of the herbicide itself. In both cases the rats fed with the GM maize and/or minute amounts of the herbicide in water were several times more likely to develop lethal tumours and suffer severe liver and kidney damage when compared to the controls.
Read the full story spinwatch
PLANNED FAMINE: US government has been paying farmers to destroy crops and livestock for YEARS
by Ethan Huff, April 1, 2022
Listening to the "news" these days, one is led to believe that everything is falling apart economically and agriculturally because Russia invaded Ukraine. The truth, however, is that this engineered takedown of the global economy began many years ago and is only now becoming visible.
Two years ago when the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic was launched, it was being reported that the United States government was quietly paying farmers to destroy their own crops and depopulate livestock. Watch the video from Brighteon.com below for more:
Published 2 years ago
This was reiterated again about a year ago when actual farmers started sharing videos on social media about how the food supply was being tampered with by government officials. One example of this can be viewed below:
If your family goes hungry, ask your government why it destroyed the food supply with your tax dollars
It would appear as though the plan all along was to quietly start throwing a few wrenches into the supply chain at that time in order to get the ball rolling. It was easy to blame the resulting problems on "COVID," and this continued for a full two years.
As the two-year anniversary of the plandemic approached, things got increasingly more chaotic. And now we have reached a point of no return, it seems, which is why the narrative shifted from COVID to Vladimir Putin.
The timing of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is suspect because it occurred just as the consequences of several years of planned and engineered famine were really starting to become apparent. This provided cover for the media to blame Putin for even higher gas and food prices and the coming prospect of global food shortages.
Read the full story NEWSTARGET
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