‘Syndemic’ COVID-20 needs ‘Social Vaccine’ as global food shortage begins
by Ice Age Farmer, October 20, 2020
As countries are furiously stocking food in anticipation of global food shortages, ‘experts’ are now calling COVID-19 a Syndemic "COVID-20," requiring a ‘social vaccine’ comprising Universal Basic Income & nutrition, free education, huge dietary changes. The technocrats will stop at nothing, including engineered food shortages, to push their Great Reset into global communism and transhumanism. Christian breaks it down.
Toxic compounds in glyphosate-free herbicides
by Claire Robinson, October 20, 2020
Herbicide manufacturers have been quick to capitalise on global fears about the health effects of glyphosate by producing glyphosate-free weedkillers. Alternative products have appeared in garden centres and supermarkets, sometimes still called "Roundup", but with the glyphosate active ingredient replaced with supposedly natural ingredients such as acetic acid (the main component of vinegar) or pelargonic acid, a type of fatty acid.
The perception is that these substances are less toxic for health and the environment than glyphosate. But a new study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology questions this assumption.
Researchers analysed 14 glyphosate-free herbicides marketed in Europe and found that they contain heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, iron, nickel, and titanium. In some cases these substances were present at up to several hundred times regulatory permitted levels for water.
COVID-19 Strike Teams Shut Down Farms - FoodWars Go Hot - Beirut, Aus, China Shortages
Ice Age Farmer, August 6, 2020
The global food supply is being destroyed, production dismantled, and farmers put out of business: California is sending in COVID-19 Strike Teams to shut down farms that are not properly distanced. China bans cellphones in granaries. Australian food shortages. Beirut loses main port and grain stores. Middle East food production & distribution is on fire. Christian breaks down the latest as the #FoodWars go hot.
Planned Food Shortages Coming - Be Ready
by William Mount, September 13, 2020
As COVID PPE Waste Litters the World, Company Makes Biodegradable Hemp Masks
by Matt Agorist October 4, 2020
FBB Note: While hemp masks are perhaps an imporovement over cloth or paper ones, wouldn't it be even better to realize there is NOT a pandemic and do away with all the maks and social distancing nonsense and act like sentient people again?
Over the weekend, during I Love a Clean San Diego’s Coastal Cleanup Day, vol- unteers were surprised to learn that per- sonal protective equipment was making up a significant portion of the trash on the beaches.
According to a report in Courthouse News, during the group’s annual "Creek to Bay" cleanup, which was postponed several months and held in June due to the pandemic, the organization’s marketing manager Ian Monahan said volunteers "saw PPE in spades," collecting 30 masks within the first half hour of the event from gutters, the boardwalk and tangled in coastal sage scrub.
"PPE was the most remarkable change in our clean-up efforts," Monahan said.
"Typically it was plastic bags, but now it’s masks."
Half a Million Sharks Could Be Killed to Make Vaccine
by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., October 01, 2020
Drug maker GlaxoSmithKline may need to slaughter half a million sharks to harvest squalene, an oil made in shark livers, to make a new line of COVID jabs. Glaxo mixes squalene with a witches’ brew of proprietary surfactants to produce its controversial AS03 vaccine adjuvant. Adjuvants are compounds that amplify immune response to hyperstimulate the immune system. They are associated with a variety of autoimmune diseases.
Medical Cannabis Superior to Opioids for Chronic Pain, Study Finds
by GreenMedInfo, September 30, 2020
Sufferers of chronic pain have been faced with a perilous decision--risk a crippling addiction to opioids or find a way to live with the pain. A clinical study has focused on medical cannabis as an alternative to opioids, and the results may be a turning point towards a safe, plant-based option for easing pain