Whistleblower: CBS News Staged Fake COVID-19 Testing Line In Michigan
by Spiro Skouras, May 21, 2020
Attorney Alan Dershowitz says we have no Constitutional protection against being forcibly vaccinated because no one has a right to spread a deadly disease. This issue was decided by the US Supreme Court long ago in Jacobson vs. Massachusetts, in which the Court said the state has an obligation to use force, if necessary, to protect the lives of its citizens against the threat of a deadly disease.
BREAKING: Reuters: Johnson & Johnson to Stop Selling Talc-Based Johnson’s Baby Powder in U.S., Canada
by Erin Elizabeth, May 19, 2020
Johnson and Johnson on Tuesday said it would stop selling its talc-based Johnson’s Baby Powder in the United States and Canada... J&J faces lawsuits from consumers claiming its talc products, including Johnson’s Baby Powder, caused their cancer, but J&J said it remains confident in the product’s safety.
US Government Weakens Regulations on GMOs Despite Public Distrust
by Sustainable Pulse, May 20 2020
On Monday the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) released final regulations overhauling the nation’s decrepit regulatory system for genetically engineered (GE) organisms (commonly referred to as GMOs). The finalized regulations differ little from USDA’s draft regulations proposed last summer. Under the new regime, many GMOs that are currently regulated will no longer be subject to agency oversight, [...] The post US Government Weakens Regulations on GMOs Despite Public ...
Heavily Militarized SWAT Raids Innocent Family for Growing Tomatoes — Taxpayers Held Liable
by Matt Agorist, May 10, 2020
Adlynn and Robert Harte and their two children had harmed no one and broken no laws when heavily armed militarized SWAT deputies with the Johnson County sheriff’s department stormed their home like it was an ISIS compound. The "hero" deputies were searching for evidence of marijuana production and use but they found none because the Harte’s don’t use or produce marijuana. They do grow vegetables, however, and they also drink tea.
The Hartes and their two children were held at gunpoint and nearly killed for purchasing supplies for their vegetable garden and drinking tea. After they were seen buying gardening supplies, cops rummaged through their trash and mistook tea leaves for weed, sparking ‘probable cause’ for the raid. Since the raid in 2012, the Harte family has been attempting to seek justice but to no avail. This month, however, they finally got a break.
According to Reason, the couple whose home was raided in 2012 after sheriff’s deputies claimed that loose tea found in their trash was marijuana will receive $150,000 for their trouble under a settlement agreement with the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office. The settlement – which caps seven years of litigation, including two trips to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit – falls far short of the $7 million that Adlynn and Robert Harte originally sought. But it represents an implicit acknowledgment that the Hartes and their children suffered an outrageous invasion of their privacy and dignity in the service of a comically inept publicity stunt.
In the realm of unlawful police raids, this one near the top.
"Contact Tracer" and "Disease Investigator" Jobs Spring Up Across the Country
by Daisy Luther, May 9, 2020
For those who may have lost their jobs during the lockdown, it appears a whole new sector of jobs is opening up across the country. Cities and states are seeking "contact tracers" and "disease investigators" to track down anyone who may have COVID-19 or anyone who may have come in contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19.
Whistleblower: CBS News Staged Fake COVID-19 Testing Line In Michigan
by Project Veritas, May 7, 2020
An insider came forward to Project Veritas with hidden camera recordings revealing how CBS News organized a fake coronavirus testing line at the Cherry Health facility in Grand Rapids, and used "fake patients" recruited from the medical staff to make the CBS news report look authentic. CBS denied staging the event and removed the Cherry Health portion from the piece.
Instead of Dumping Out Their Milk, Dairy Farmers Bottle It Themselves—Sell Out in Hours
by The Free Thought Project , May 5, 2020
The American spirit lives on at a 300-year-old, cream-line dairy farm, where a farmer is working around the clock to bottle his own milk after his processor told him to dump it. Locals are lining up to support him.When Ben Brown’s dairy processor told him they could no longer buy his milk, he got to work bottling it himself.
52 Years Ago, a Pandemic Flu Killed 100,000 in the US and Nothing Shut Down—Not Even Woodstock
by Matt Agorist, May 4, 2020
...the government has made harsh and sweeping regulations, shut down entire sections of the US economy, largely based on a model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which says roughly 72,000 Americans will die from COVID-19.
Just 52, years, ago, however, another flu, (H3N2), known as the Hong Kong flu, killed roughly 100,000 Americans and over 1,000,000 people world wide. What makes this flu particularly notable is the fact that most media outlets are not reporting on it and the fact that absolutely nothing was shut down. In fact, Woodstock — that was attended by an estimated 500,000 people — took place smack dab in the middle of the H3N2 flu pandemic.