Officials Once Warned That a Virus Lab in Wuhan – Ground Zero for the Coronavirus – Could Accidentally Release It
by Paul Seaburn, January 25, 2020
The outbreak of a mysterious virus that originated in China and has been reported in at least five other countries, including the U.S., is definitely a tragedy and could be on its way to becoming an epidemic. While medical experts and the media track its spread and debate whether eating snakes or bat soup from a certain market in Wuhan is the origin point of the coronavirus causing the deadly pneumonia-like illness, very few have noticed that the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory studying the virus is the same lab that experts warned in 2017 could accidentally release a similar deadly virus into the public arena like the SARS virus escaped from high-level containment facilities multiple times. Is it a coincidence that ground zero for the coronavirus is the same lab designated as the only place in the world that can find a cure – and Wuhan is now cut off from the rest of the world?
Read the full story Mysterious Universe
Coronavirus may have originated in lab linked to China's biowarfare program
by Bill Gertz, January 26, 2020
The deadly animal-borne coronavirus spreading globally may have originated in a laboratory in the city of Wuhan linked to China’s covert biological weapons program, said an Israeli biological warfare analyst.
Radio Free Asia last week rebroadcast a Wuhan television report from 2015 showing China’s most advanced virus research laboratory, known the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The laboratory is the only declared site in China capable of working with deadly viruses.
Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who has studied Chinese biological warfare, said the institute is linked to Beijing’s covert bio-weapons program.
Read the full story Washington Times
Silicon Valley scrambles to stop coronavirus misinformation
by Christopher Carbone, January 27, 2020
The coronavirus's rapid spread worldwide is forcing Big Tech to confront the equally viral proliferation of misinformation -- in the form outright falsehoods and half-truths about the outbreak.
Facebook, Google and Twitter have all struggled in different ways to contain medical misinformation, in particular around vaccines, in recent years. The Silicon Valley mainstays face a potentially much bigger challenge as coronavirus spreads across the world, having already infected 2,800 people in China and killed at least 82.
The Washington Post reports that Facebook and its fellow social media companies have been fighting a range of conspiracy theories, including that the U.S. government secretly created or obtained a patent for the illness.

"Oregano Oil Proves Effective Against Coronavirus," read one post that had reportedly been shared across multiple groups on Facebook by Monday.
According to scientists, there is no such cure for the virus.
Facebook confirmed to the Post on Monday that its partner organizations have issued nine fact-checks in recent days pertaining to several false and fake posts about coronavirus; the company labels the inaccuracies and lowers their rank in users' daily feeds. "This situation is fast-evolving and we will continue our outreach to global and regional health organizations to provide support and assistance," Facebook spokesman Andy Stone said in a statement to the newspaper.
Twitter has reportedly been steering users toward more credible sources when they search for coronavirus-related hashtags.
"It’s captivated the public and been trending on social media as people look for more information," Renee DiResta, research manager at Stanford Internet Observatory, told the Post in an interview. "So, the platforms should certainly be putting their fact-checking and algorithmic downranking of conspiracy content to work here."
Last year, Google tweaked its algorithms to prevent a large amount of harmful content from surfacing in search results. However, as the Post reports, several videos were on the platform that promote dubious information about coronavirus.
A spokesperson for YouTube told the Post the company is "investing heavily to raise authoritative content on our site and reduce the spread of misinformation on YouTube."
Source Fox News
Truth? Logic? Analysis? Unnecessary. Eliminate them.
by Jon Rappoport, January 28, 2020
I picture a few wan techies gathered around a fact-checking AI robot that repeats, "Must censor... must censor... must censor..."
FOX News, "Silicon Valley scrambles to stop coronavirus misinformation," (Jan 27, 2020):
⟸ See story
In order to help these social media giants, in their effort to spread only truth and eliminate lies, I suggest a test run. They should revisit another epidemic: 2009 Swine Flu – in order to correct the record. At that time, conspirators prevented accurate information from reaching the public. Instead, lunatic ideas about the epidemic were allowed to stand. A precedent was firmly established for future reporting about "outbreaks."
The conspirators had somehow infiltrated a news organization at high levels, and they began floating lie after lie. This was a monstrously egregious situation. The public was unaware.
I have uncovered a solidly credible witness who observed this seedy operation. She was an employee of the news organization. In fact, she was a star investigative reporter for CBS News. Her words carry weight.
Her name is Sharyl Attkisson. I interviewed her. Facebook, Google, take notice, and swiftly elevate her words to the top of your news feeds and rankings.
Q: In 2009, you spearheaded coverage of the so-called Swine Flu pandemic. You discovered that, in the summer of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control, ignoring their federal mandate, [secretly] stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. Yet they continued to stir up fear about the "pandemic," without having any real measure of its impact. Wasn’t that another investigation of yours that was shut down? Wasn’t there more to find out?
A: The implications of the story were even worse than that. We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all! The interest in the story [written by Attkisson and published on the CBS News site] from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was "the most original story" he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others pushed to stop it and, in the end, no [CBS News television] broadcast wanted to touch it.
(end of interview excerpt)
Does that tell you something about the way major media cover epidemic and vaccine stories?
There is even more.
Read the full story No More Fake News
Bottled Water Company Admits Dumping Deadly Arsenic Into CA’s Ecosystem—Nobody Goes To Jail
by Jack Burns, January 26, 2020
Bottled Water Company Admits Dumping Deadly Arsenic Into CA’s Ecosystem—Nobody Goes To Jail
If a U.S. citizen committed the same crime as Crystal Geyser Water, they'd be facing life in prison for eco-terrorism. But since it was a corporation, no one gets jailed.
Read the full story The Free Thought Project
New China virus, Swine Flu hoax, history matters
by Jon Rappoport, January 25, 2020
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... history matters.
When you see a new story on the horizon, and it looks a lot like an old story you know was a hoax, you have to dig up that history and report it.
Yes, many people hate history. It tends to stretch their attention spans, which are rooted in the present, where the action is: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram – little crumbs of NOW and NOW and NOW.
Oh well. Here we go, back into the Dark Age of 2009, an ancient time.
What was happening then? There was a grim pandemic spreading like an angry cloud over the world, threatening to kill millions of people. Sound familiar? Sound like China right now? It was called Swine Flu.
Read the full story Jon Rappoport's Blog
"He was Murdered" - 13 Month Old Infant Dies 14 Hours After Receiving the Flu Shot
by Health Impact News, January 23, 2020
Krystle Cordingley mourns her son Corbyn who died 14 hours after a flu shot. Krystle claims that the hospital tried to cover up what happened, and doctors said his death following vaccination was a coincidence. Finally, she reports, one honest MD said, yes, it was the vaccine that caused the severe damage to Corbyn’s brain stem.
Read the full story Vaccine Impact
Short Sugar Binges Raise Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 15, 2020
Researchers from the University of Alberta conducted an animal study and found that after eating a high sugar diet for just two days, the animals exhibited severe symptoms of colitis
Read the full story Mercola.com
Mercury-Laced Marine Fog Threatening Mountain Lions
Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, January 21, 2020
For those concerned that high levels of mercury in the air and water can adversely affect their own health as well as the health of their pets, it can be just as damaging to wildlife, and sometimes it arises from unexpected sources.
One case in point is the coastal fog that frequently envelops the Santa Cruz Mountains, which researchers at the University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC) say is gradually impacting mountain lions. In fact, one study reveals that mountain lions of that area have mercury in their systems three times higher than that of the mountain lions roaming outside the "fog zone."
Read the full story Healthy Pets
MDMA Inches Away From Becoming FDA-Approved Pharmaceutical
by Truth Theory, January 20, 2020
MDMA is still a schedule 1 drug that is heavily prohibited by the US government. Until recently, the substance has been popularly known as a recreational club drug called "ecstasy," but studies in recent years have shown its incredible potential as a tool for therapy.
"We’re literally rewiring neural connections in the brain. If you look at what MDMA and other psychedelics do, they’re encouraging neuroplasticity. So they encourage neurons to make new connections, to get out of the old connections and to make new ones."
Read the full story The Mind Unleashed
Renewables Were Never Meant To Power Modern Civilization
by Michael Shellenberger, January 14, 2020
To produce the same amount of energy, solar farms take 450 times more land than nuclear plants and wind turbines take 700 times more land than natural gas wells and associated environmental damage is immense.
Read the full story Technocracy News Trends
Researchers assumed CRISPR-mediated disruption of genes was turning them off — but they were wrong
GMWATCH, January 11, 2020
A new study reveals yet another major unintended effect from the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tool – with potentially serious implications for the food safety of gene-edited plants. The study found that CRISPR-Cas9 edits intended to knockout the function of a gene fail to do so. Instead, proteins are still produced from the damaged genes, many of which are still functional. The result could be the production of gene-edited plants that are toxic or allergenic.
This suggests existing CRISPR-edited plants with gene knockouts, such as the non-browning mushroom that has been de-regulated in the US, should be subjected to extensive safety checks, as they could contain new proteins or compounds that pose a food safety risk.
Read the full story GMWATCH
REPORT: California 8th Graders Taught Anal, Bondage, Sex Involving Blood in Sex-Ed Class
by National File, January 12, 2020
California has blazed a trail for what is packaged as social progress, especially with their sex education, being one of four states-New Jersey, Colorado, and Illinois-to add mandatory LGBT history into their curricula.
Now, comes a shocking addition to their sex-ed material: anal sex and "kinky" sex, including ‘blood play.’
Read the full story Infowars
Top U.N. Scientist Admits Vaccines Killing People During ‘Vaccine Safety Summit’
by Infowars.com, January 12, 2020
A top scientists for the United Nations admitted in leaked video that vaccines are dangerous and are killing some individuals, just days after assuring the public that vaccines were one of the safest tools humanity has.
Read the full story Infowars
WikiHow goes insane with vaccine propaganda, teaches children how to "get vaccinated in secret" by scheming against "anti-vaxxer" parents who WikiHow warns might "abuse" their own children
by Mike Adams , January 12, 2020
The WikiHow website, a hub for how-to information, has joined the other evil tech giants by going all-in with vaccine propaganda that poses a very real danger to the health and safety of children. The site now features a dangerous article that teaches children how to scheme against their own parents and stage fake cover stories to get vaccinated with toxic vaccines that even the U.S. government admits cause thousands of injuries, hospitalizations and even some deaths every year in America. (VAERS.HHS.gov and HRSA.gov)
Read the full story Natural News
California Water Infected With Increasing Fecal Bacteria As Democrats Allow Homeless Crisis to Worsen
by Brock Simmons, January 11, 2020
It’s always entertaining to see diametrically opposing leftist movements collide with one another. Now we have the environmental groups squaring off against the homeless advocacy groups, as California’s homeless crisis is leading to mass contamination of the rivers and streams. Rather than going through sewage treatment, human waste from the homeless is ending up directly in the water ways
Read the full story Blabber Buzz
New tool for rapidly analyzing CRISPR edits reveals frequent unintended edits
by Claire Robinson, January 6, 2020
A new tool for rapidly analyzing CRISPR edits has revealed frequent production of unintended edits, according to a study published in the Nature journal Communications Biology.
The study describes a new tool using extracts from human cells, which can mimic the gene editing process as it would occur in living cells. The strength of this new assay system is that the editing and DNA repair components in the reactions can be carefully controlled and the outcomes analysed in an unbiased manner. In just 48 hours, this new assay system can identify "multiple outcomes of CRISPR-directed gene editing", a process that typically required up to two months of costly and complicated DNA analysis. In addition, using this "cell-free" assay system allows identification of gene editing outcomes that would otherwise be missed using more standard approaches.
Read the full story GMWATCH
Dr. Google Has Your Health Data
Alliance For Natural Health USA, January 9, 2020
Google is partnering with one of the largest hospital systems [Ascension] to collect, store, and analyze our health data.
Google is investing heavily in the pharmaceutical sector. The company has a pharmaceutical division headed by a former GlaxoSmithKlein executive and has launched two pharmaceutical companies, Calico and Verily Life Sciences. Google is also buying FitBit, the fitness tracker, for $2.1 billion, which will give them even more of our data.
Google will have a frightening amount of our consumer and health data. The incentives for abuse are clear – leveraging this data to make their other investments, especially in the drug sector, more profitable!
What could possibly go wrong?
Read the full story Alliance For Natural Health USA
Outrageous! U.S. government says verdict in Bayer Roundup court case should be reversed
by Sara Middleton, January 9, 2020
At least twice this year we’ve reported on the damaging health effects of the infamous herbicide called glyphosate – the chief ingredient in the weedkiller Roundup, now owned by Bayer. This chemical is linked to cancer – as seen in a September 2019 meta-analysis which showed that exposure to glyphosate may increase the risk of cancer by over 40%.
Now, in the most outrageous news, a recent victory for an individual suffering the effects of this powerful carcinogen may be overturned – and the call for the Bayer AG court case reversal is coming from some of the top dogs in the United States government.
Read the full story NaturalHealth365
Consumers distrust GMO foods, want non-GMO options
by Carl Jorgensen, January 2, 2019
Linkage Research’s Free From Forum finds 35 percent of U.S. consumers place non-GMO at top of food purchasing criteria
The distrust of gene-altered food has its roots in a broader, growing distrust of societal institutions. The 2018 Edelman Global Trust Index indicates that between 2017 and 2018, the U.S. public’s declining trust in government, the media, and business was the steepest ever measured, down 23 points for the informed public, and down 9 points among the general population, on a 100-point scale. The latest data from the Free From Market Monitor, a resource of Linkage Research & Consulting, shows that this distrust extends to food. There is a backlash against scientific manipulation of food, and a lack of trust in the ability of government to regulate it. 35 percent of U.S. consumers place non-GMO at the top of their food purchasing criteria. This rivals and even surpasses organic at 33 percent.
Read the full story Non-GMO Report
Non-GMO corn seed outperforming GM seed in field trials
by Ken Roseboro, December 27, 2019
Runs contrary to biotech industry claim that GM seeds produce greater yields than non-GMO varieties
Supporters of genetically modified seeds often claim that GM varieties produce greater yields than conventional, non-GMO seed. But, results of recent field trials of hybrid corn seed and published research shows that non-GMO seed varieties perform as well as or even better than GM seed.
Read the full story Non-GMO Report
Access to Homeopathy Threatened by Latest FDA Action
American Institute of Homeopathy
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced a new guidance that could lead to the end of homeopathy in America in less than three months.
The consequential action taken by the FDA involves the elimination of the administrative framework for homeopathy that the agency used for 30 years, one that allowed manufacturers of homeopathic remedies to thrive while ensuring the quality and purity of homeopathic medicines. We are referring to the withdrawal of Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) 400.400 which has served the industry and consumers well.
Read the full story American Institute of Homeopathy
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